The social care industry is a high-risk environment with a number of compliance regulations that must be adhered to. The safety of your carer and service user is paramount, so we have put together some tips on how going digital with your home care business can help you become more compliant.

As most businesses, even outside of the home care industry, have realised over the last 2 years is how important Data Protection of both clients and employees is. Especially after the announcement of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Making sure that the personal data held about both your service-users and employees is kept secure is extremely important. If your business keeps paper logs of this sensitive information, you expose yourself to the risk of the files being lost, damaged or accessed by outside parties.

With electronic software, you can store your client’s and employees’ key details and access them with ease. Having them in your software reduces the risk of them being accessed by anybody else or lost. With our IQ:careplanner software you can store all the sensitive information about clients and employees with the reassurance that they are secure.

Not only that but ensuring that your employees’ training is constantly up to date is also another key element of being compliant in the home care sector. Again, with the IQ:careplanner software you can record your employees’ qualifications and receive notifications when they are due for renewal, so your staff will always be up to the industry standard and therefore compliant with the legislation in place.

Payroll plays a huge part in compliance also and with employees working remotely, tracking their overtime hours or hours with different pay rates such as evenings can be time-consuming and more likely to cause an error. With our IQ:timecard software, compliance reporting is a built-in feature that produces National Minimum Wage/Living Wage compliance reports quickly and efficiently, ensuring you are meeting the current legislation regarding your employees’ pay.

These are just a few ways that going digital can help your home care business become more compliant and secure. The beauty of having a digital solution in your business is that allows for easier access from those who need it, guarantees higher security and makes your business run more efficiently.

Learn more about how a digital solution can help your home care business become more compliant by taking a look at the digital solutions we offer! You can view all of our products for the care industry here.