
Unique IQ is Care Sector Supplier Awards finalist

Unique IQ has been named as one of the finalists in the inaugural Care Sector Supplier Awards.

Our home care software has been nominated for the ‘Management Software’ category, alongside a high standard of technology companies working within the care sector.

The Care Sector Supplier Awards, organised by Stratford Projects, will honour the best companies that supply products and services to care providers operating in the UK.

The organiser of the awards said the standard of entries was “remarkably high” this year, particularly across the technology and business services categories.

David Lynes, Managing Director of Unique IQ, said of the nomination: “It’s very pleasing for the team to receive recognition for the hard work they put in to developing our home care technology, particularly this year, when we have seen care organisations rely increasingly on digital solutions like ours due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.”

The Care Sector Supplier Awards nomination follows on from a high profile win for Unique IQ at this year’s Home Care Awards where they took home the trophy for ‘Best Technology, Data or Software Product or Service’.

The Care Sector Supplier Awards will take place on 20 November.